しばし眺めて食す 早春の菜の花

Fried rice of Chinese cabbage and maitake mushrooms, Brassica campestris are floated on the soup of the oyster of kelp stock. (2/22)
小松菜・舞茸の炒飯と 昆布だしの牡蠣のスープに菜の花を浮かべて

He awakes in the early morning in a rain sign. 12 ℃ of balcony temperature this morning. Although it is warm It is a stove and is brassica campestris risotto rattlingly. (2/23)
雨の気配で早朝に目が覚める 今朝のバルコニー気温12℃
暖かいけど ストーブでコトコト菜の花リゾット
The third phase of rape-blossoms series,The pasta of brassica campestris and maitake mushrooms. (2/24)
菜の花シリーズ第三弾は 菜の花と舞茸のパスタ