― 紙ひとえ  布ひとえ ― (2003.11.2)


It is on a stage about the gate and approach of the HANAMIDO where contrast with autumnal leaves is beautiful. The show of the creation dress in which it is clothed, and an antique kimono was held.

心待ちにしていたところへ、お知らせの葉書をいただきました。場所は、多治見の『STAGE 花御堂』です。
その感動を撮りたいという思いでシャッターを切りましたが、 動きのあるものに、マニュアルですばやくピントを合わせられるだろうかとの危惧通り、ほとんどがぶれていました。
また、背景の美しいポジションを選んだので、モデルたち一人一人の正面を撮ることができなくて残念でしたが、これもいい経験。 フィナーレでのクリエーターたちを、全部撮れなかったのと、お話を伺っておけばよかったとも、深く反省です。

It is the thing of summer to have observed the talk of a fashion show from the designer, Ms. Machiko Sakai. To the place which was being carried out to expectation, I received the postcard of information.
A place is the "STAGE HANAMIDO" in Tajimi.
Since this was the first time that a fashion show is seen, he went out, whatever it might set. Creativity, sensitivity, and location of creators were brewing the great world.
Although the shutter was cut with the thought of wanting to photograph the impression As apprehensive with the ability of a focus to be quickly united with a thing with a motion by the manual,Most was fading.
Since the beautiful position of a background was chosen Although it was regrettable that the front of every model cannot be photographed, it is experience that this is also good.
Creators' talk is heard and it is it reflection that けば was good. Atmosphere is enjoyed at least and it merely constituted as beams.
In BGM, it is a photograph. Please have a look slowly.


MIDE-Arts Club

ひときわ目を引いたセンスの素晴らしさに、思わず「撮らせてください」と迫った私。 「ほんとは着物で来たかったけど、このあと福岡まで行くので」と、裾広の黒いパンツとブラウスの上に羽織ったロングベストに、 帯に見立てた幅広い革ベルトの上から帯紐を締め、手にしたバックもアジアの器みたいな素材です。アンティークな深めの笠が、和風でもあり、アジアン風でもあり、 全体の美しいプロポーションを創り出しています。ロングベストはからし色と墨黒の縞模様のリバーシブルで、裏返して着ると、パッと華やかに変身。並々ならぬセンスの持主です。